Helping undiagnosed patients and their families

Information about child development and milestones
Developmental delays, symptoms and potential causes
Advanced technologies to shorten the time to diagnosis

Our genetic experts are waiting for you. It's as easy as one, two, three.

FDNA quotes

"Some people say it's just a diagnosis. We say it's about finding people with the same fears and questions that can truly understand and support you. It's finding a new family."


Andreia and Luís
Parents of Maria

FDNA quotes

"Our road to diagnose the cause for our child's developmental delays was a 5-year journey that I can only describe as trying to take a road trip with no map. Now we have hope."


Paula and Bobby
Parents of Lillie

FDNA quotes

"After a 3-year search, we finally know the origin of her disease. What a relief to find out that our child has so much in common with her 20 ‘sisters’ from around the world."


Robert de Bruijne
Parent of Christelle

Frequently asked questions

FDNA™ Health can bring you closer to a diagnosis.
Learn here about symptoms and conditions and contact your clinician.