Quels sont les différents types de Conseil Ginitique?
Les conseillers en génétique ont de nombreux rôles et contribuent à aider les individus à établir un diagnostic précis d'une maladie génétique. syndrome.
Conseil Ginitique is an integral, essential part of the genetic diagnosis process. It is a highly specialized service, and genetic counselors are responsible for guiding, supporting, and educating rare disease patients and their families throughout the entire diagnostic process.
Les différents types de conseil ginitique
Genetic counseling what to expect: Due to different types and purposes of Test génétique, there are also different types of genetic counseling, to meet the specific and unique needs of each individual working through the diagnostic process. Each type of genetic testing is a specialist area in its own right, and the different types of genetic counseling reflect this also.
Le diagnostic d'une maladie rare peut être un processus compliqué. Accéder au bon type de conseil ginitique, pour le type de maladie rare à l'étude, est essentiel à l'ensemble du processus d'établissement d'un diagnostic.
Accéder au bon type de conseil ginitique peut également aider à réduire les taux d'erreurs de diagnostic, un problème grave dans le monde des maladies rares.
Les différents types de conseil ginitique
- prénatal conseil ginitique
prénatal conseil ginitique supports parents to be, when faced with the possibility of rare disease diagnosis in their as yet unknown child, or embryo in the case of preimplantation testing for IVF. This type of genetic consultation helps parents understand the chances of their child being born with a rare disease, and the potential symptoms they might be born with as a result of this. They help parents to understand the options for further testing, where necessary or available, and help parents understand all of the options available to them. Prenatal genetic counseling might also be used by parents, who have already received a rare disease diagnosis for an earlier child, and are looking to understand how they can prevent the inheritance of the same condition, where possible, and dependent on its mode of inheritance.
- Pédiatrique Conseil Ginitique
Pediatric genetic counseling is an essential service for the parents of children facing, or with a rare disease diagnosis. Genetic testing, and diagnosis, can be a very difficult process for parents to go through, and pediatric genetic counselors provide essential support for them along the way. Pediatric genetic counselors are especially important in helping families adjust to changes in their lives brought about by a rare disease diagnosis, and they help plan short, medium, and long term care plans for children affected by a rare disease. They also help families coordinate care plans and promote cooperation amongst medical professionals responsible for their child’s care. Usually parents will find their way to pediatric genetic counseling services following concerns about a congenital defect, developmental delay, or concerns raised by genetic screening in a newborn results.
- Conseil en génétique du cancer
Cancer genetics counseling helps patients as a part of their journey on their way to the diagnosis of a rare cancer. As with all rare diseases, information, support and guidance are critical when it comes to rare cancers. This type of specialized counseling can help individuals to understand more about the causes, and potential symptoms of their type of cancer.
- Général conseil ginitique
General genetic counseling is a service offered to children, teenagers and adults facing a rare disease diagnosis. It is an incredibly valuable service and provides support, information awareness, and expert advice, both pre and post genetic analysis and testing.
Le visage changeant de conseil ginitique
Accès au bon type de conseil ginitique est crucial pour s'assurer que les personnes atteintes de maladies rares et leurs familles reçoivent non seulement le bon soutien, mais aussi le bon diagnostic. Cependant, pour de nombreuses familles, l'accès aux conseillers génétiques et en particulier aux conseillers génétiques spécialisés, n'est pas garanti selon leur lieu de résidence. Pour certaines familles, l'accès conseil ginitique du tout, sans parler du bon type de conseil ginitique pour leurs besoins, est complexe et difficile.
Une prise de conscience croissante des problèmes et des obstacles rencontrés par les familles en matière d'accessibilité aux conseil ginitique a conduit, ces dernières années, au développement de conseil ginitique prestations de service.
Ça signifie conseil ginitique menée virtuellement. Tout ce qu'il faut, c'est un appareil connecté, avec vidéo. Cette solution facile à utiliser et accessible relie les conseillers en génétique et les familles, dans le confort de leur foyer. Il s'agit surtout de mettre tous les types de conseillers en génétique, et les spécialistes qui les dirigent, à la disposition des personnes qui en ont besoin, sans les barrières à l'accessibilité qui existent depuis longtemps.