Paula and Bobby
Parents of Lillie
What is Microcephaly?
Microcephaly occurs when issues with the growth and development of the brain lead to the development of a much smaller head than the average. It is defined as any head measuring 2 standard deviations below the standard measurement.
Microcephaly, or a smaller head than the average, may be caused by exposure of the developing fetus to toxic chemicals including alcohol through the mother. Genetic syndromes, serious infections and severe malnutrition affecting the developing fetus may also cause microcephaly.
microcephalism, microcephalia
HPO: 0000252
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Mit der größten globalen Datenbank und einem führenden Tool zur Entscheidungsunterstützung mithilfe von KI ermöglicht FDNA™ Health Patienten und ihren Familien ein besseres Verständnis symptome und Erkrankungen mit dem Ziel, die Zeit bis zur Diagnose zu verkürzen.
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